Please Note: ALL 280K SuperPots are SPLIT-SHAFT. When you order this kit it will ship with brass sleeves for the Volume Sperpot for use with knobs with set screws. All standard USA Tele-style knobs will fit over the brass sleeves; knobs with set-screws should accept a 1/4"-inch shaft. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.
Who this kit is for:
The Vintage/Modern Upgrade Kit offers a warmer, woody tone on the Bridge pickup, and a more transparent, dynamic sound on the Neck pickup. Happy with your Bridge pickup's tone, but your Neck pickup is too muddy? Your Neck pickup is perfect, but your Bridge pickup is too bright? The solution: The RS Vintage/Modern pre-wired kit. Warmer tones for the Bridge pickup, and more clarity for the Neck pickup, this is the perfect solution for guitars that need that little extra. This kit is for anyone who is tired of not being able to use the controls on your guitar effectively. This kit is also great for those who are tired of losing tone and note-definition every time they roll their control past 8!! This kit comes with LONG SHAFT pots, which is appropriate for the following guitars: All production Les Pauls® made since 1977. This does NOT include the Historic® series. If your guitar has a large Maple cap, then this kit is for you. Please Note: All guitars manufactured in Korea, Japan, China, Indonesia and Mexico use metric pots (6mm), and have metric sized holes drilled for the pots. All pots sold by RS Guitarworks use standard pots and hole diameters (3/8"). Therefore, holes in the guitar, plates and/or pickguards will need to be enlarged to 3/8" to fit properly. Also, metric knobs will not fit the RS pot shafts; most popular knobs are available on the store in new and aged versions. Please call us for details or questions about installation.
What this is:
For years, guitar manufacturers have chosen to cut corners on the electronics they have used, even in their top-of-the-line guitars. This kit is designed to utilize the best electronic components possible in your guitar. This kit is the culmination of thousands of hours of research and development into different guitar electronics and how each of them affects the overall tone of the guitar.
What's in the kit:
(2) 500K RS Long-Shaft SuperPots®- We designed these pots in conjunction with CTS. Used for the volume controls in the kit, these pots have a custom taper that gives you a noticeable difference between each number on your volume control. You can finally roll your volume down to 2 or 1 and not loose any clarity, even in the neck position!! Mil-spec construction and a smoother resistor path make this the best pot to ever be used in the guitar.
(2) 500K CTS Long-Shaft Audio taper pots.
(1) Vintage RS GuitarCap Paper In Oil .022.RS is proud to bring you our new Vintage 200 volt Paper In Oil (PIO) capacitor. We have tested these against some of the best new and vintage caps on the market and we are happy to say they outperformed any cap we have sold in the past and they really hold their own against the vintage caps. They also have the tightest specs we have found at 1% tolerance! They are epoxy filled to ensure they will last a lifetime, then they are finished off with a wax coating just like the caps from the 50's. MADE IN USA
(1) RS .015 GuitarCap®- the RS GuitarCaps® are made to be 100% transparent to let every bit of your guitar's natural tone shine through. This will give you dynamics you have never heard before while still giving you that special "Woman Tone", but without ever losing clarity or getting muddy.
(1) Color wiring diagram.
Potentiometer/Kit Selection Table
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