Pre wire kits you have different types what should i choose

We have 3 different types of pre-wired kits all of which are hand wired by us with Vintage Correct Gavitt wire. 

They all use the same "CG" CTS potentiometers, the RS kits use RS Superpots in the volume position and you can select these as a option in the Charles Guitars and Luxe kits.

The other differences are the capactiors used which you can read about HERE

Charles Guitars Jupiter Kits

These are the best priced kits but no lesser quality that the other types.  Jupiter capacitors are a step up from Orange Drops, they are used by Collings.  These are very good quality upgrade kits and a significant improvement on most standard wiring.

RS Guitarworks

We have been selling RS kits for more than 10 years, the capacitors they use are very well matched to their Superpots (we offer some with Luxe caps also which are quite popular) and are a very good upgrade on standard wiring.  For some only an RS kit will do.


If you want the musicality but also Vintage Correct then Luxe is for you.  Only Luxe make real Bumble Bees (beware of caps that look like Bumble Bees but are not).  They also have Vintage Correct Tele and Strat capacitors which you can wire yourself, some of the Tele wiring is more involved so it can be more convenient to get them pre-wired.