Lollar Special Sixty Four Set

Item number: LO41018

This is one of our most popular Strat sets. It includes our Sixty-Four Strat pickups for neck and middle positions, with our Special S Series® pickup for the bridge. The Sixty-Four pickups are one of our most versatile delivering prominent midrange and clear top end with a piano-like attack while the slightly higher output Lollar Special S bridge is just bit warmer and more full-bodied than our other Strat-style bridge pickups.

Featuring a pre-CBS 1960s Strat®-style wind, our Sixty-Four Strat pickups give you a classic Strat tone with full body and punch. The overall tone has a prominent midrange, clear treble, and full bass with a well-defined, piano-like attack. We use scatter wound wax potted coils with Alnico 5 magnets degaussed to vintage '60s Strat pickup specs and flat-poles for added presence. Includes medium output with vintage style cloth covered lead wire. Middle is RWRP for humbucking operation in positions 2 and 4.


  • Flat Poles Magnets
  • Middle RWRP
  • Wax Potted
  • Cloth Wire
  • 6 Pan Head mounting screws with springs


  • NECK: ~ 6.4K
  • BRIDGE: ~ 7.6K

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